Organic chicken feed is usually much cheaper than the commercial brands and comes in much larger bags. In general, the best organic chicken feeds contain up to 18% protein and usually up to 3% calcium. Other important ingredients include natural vitamins and minerals. The main advantage of organic chicken feed is that there are no hormones or antibiotics used.
Hormones or antibiotics are widely used by poultry farmers to promote growth and maintain good health in their poultry. While these substances are needed for the poultry to grow and produce good quality eggs, they can cause problems for the humans who eat them. These chemicals are used because they are cheaper than using the natural hormones from chickens themselves. Unfortunately, these chemicals remain in the chicken after they are killed. So, when people eat these products they can get a dangerous amount of hormones into their systems. Click for more information about this article on this page.
To avoid this problem, many backyard chickens owners are switching to organic chicken feed. This is because the commercially available feed contains many unnecessary ingredients, including food for bugs, parasites and other creatures that live in the yard. In addition, it doesn't provide the necessary nutrients for healthy, happy poultry.
To ensure that you are getting the safest and most nutritious type of organic feed for your birds, it is important that you make sure the feed you buy is labeled as organic chicken feed. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires that manufacturers indicate whether or not the food they distribute is pesticide free. If they are not certified, the feed should be rejected. In order to get a pesticide free organic feed, you should buy the feed from a source that is certified. To get this article's website, click on this page.
Another thing to consider when feeding your flock is whether or not they should be fed with genetically modified (GM) foods. Many people mistakenly believe that the practice of GM planting is safe, but there is evidence that suggests otherwise. Many studies have concluded that GM foods can cause harmful side effects, including tumors, infertility and even death. Because of these risks, many organic chicken feed suppliers refuse to use GM products on their chickens. It is perfectly okay to feed your flock GM foods occasionally, just as long as you do it the right way.
When deciding what types of feeds to provide your flock, consider the ingredients found in organic chicken feed and compare them to the ingredients used in commercial egg production. The most effective way to ensure the health and happiness of your chickens is by feeding them organic eggs. Feeding them GM foods can lead to an unnatural imbalance in their body systems, so it is better to avoid them altogether. Feeding your chickens GM foods can sometimes be a good way to supplement their diets, but it is always better to choose organic eggs. It's good to click on this site to learn more about the topic: